Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer
Dipl.-Ing. Architect BDA
Founder and Owner
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Managing Director
“One of the most important sentences in my book ‘Prologue’ is: ‘Thinking in terms of sustainability is thinking in terms of congruence .’ This was meant as a basic principle for future management, but it equally applies to the idealistic, creative, and operational aspects of managing an architecture firm. True sustainability requires the coherent interplay – the congruence – of ecological, social, and economic factors. As a responsible employer, entrepreneur, and architect, I both need and strive to think in this holistic way.”
  • 2019
    Founder and Owner, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, caspar., Cologne
  • 2004–2019
    Managing Partner, meyerschmitzmorkramer, Cologne
  • 1999–2004
    Project Architect, KSP Engel Zimmermann Architekten, Cologne
  • 1998
    Architect, Building Workshop, Renzo Piano, Genoa
  • 1995–1999
    Diplom in Architecture, TU Berlin
  • 1993–1995
    Vordiplom in Architecture, RWTH Aachen University
  • 1992–1993
    Classical Drawing studies, Charles Cecil Studios, Florence
  • Born in 1973
  • aed Verein zur Förderung von Architektur, Engineering und Design in Stuttgart e. V. (Association for the Promotion of Architecture, Engineering and Design in Stuttgart)
  • Chamber of Architects, North-Rhine Westphalia
  • BIM-Allianz e.V.
  • Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA (Association of German Architects), Cologne
  • Bundesstiftung Baukultur (German Federal Foundation for Building Culture)
  • Freundeskreis der Stiftung Ungers Archiv für Architekturwissenschaften e.V. (Friends of the Ungers Foundation Archive for Architectural Sciences), Cologne
  • Chamber of Architects, Hamburg
  • Industrie-Club e.V., Düsseldorf
  • Madaster Germany, founding member
  • Real Estate Club e.V., Frankfurt
  • Stadtmarketing Köln e.V.
  • Urban Land Institute ULI Germany
  • VKF Verein zur Kunst- und Kulturförderung in den neuen Ländern e.V. (Association for the Promotion of Art and Culture in the New Federal States), Berlin
  • YPO Young Presidents’ Organization