Keynote Presentation for the Innenstadtoffensive Aachen
"Von der Notwendigkeit neue Wege zu gehen"
  • Date

    June 8, 2021, 6 p.m.

  • Location

    Video conference of the association aachen_fenster – raum für bauen und kultur e.V

  • Speakers

    Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer

    Frauke Burgdorff (Planning Officer of the City of Aachen)

    Peter Köddermann (Managing Director NRW)

  • Moderation

    Prof. Rolf Westerheide (Architect and urban Planner)

The historically European model of vital and vibrant city centers is the central element of our shared social life. For many decades, retail, work, culture, and leisure have dominated urban centers. A dramatic escalation in the loss of functions and the abandonment of properties brought about by the pandemic are finally forcing cities to rethink their centers.

In Aachen, a city whose attractiveness has evolved throughout history, a future-ready inner city model will also be developed in a dialog in which politicians and administrators interact with a committed urban society and stakeholders from retail, gastronomy, art and culture, tourism, and the real estate industry.

On June 8, 2021, at 6 p.m., the aachen_fenster – raum für bauen und kultur e.V. association will host a video conference entitled “Innenstadtoffensive Aachen – Von der Notwendigkeit neue Wege zu gehen” (City center offensive Aachen – forging new paths out of necessity). As his contribution, Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer will also deliver a keynote presentation with the title “Reprogramming our city centers” in which he will focus on strategic and practical knowledge from the most recent Lab Report “Retail in Transition – Verkaufswelten im Umbruch”.

Sketch: © Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer with Kacper Rojek

About aachen_fenster