Opinion Piece by Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer
„Zukunft? Ist machbar!“

The future? It’s achievable. What we view as normal was only a dream to our ancestors. But why don’t we develop our own dreams for making cities livable again, for making retail a rich experience, and for making better use of digitization? According to Caspar Schmitz-Morkramer, a successful transformation of city centers is also “a reinvention of society. The human scale between digitization and globalization that nurtures the desire for a city and a home.”

Cover: © meta.polis Urban Offline Forum 2021

Article meta.polis

„So begreifen wir den Handel im Wandel als Perspektive
für eine Stadt, die als bunte, interaktive Erlebniswelt den Menschen wieder in den Mittelpunkt rückt.“