caspar.esearch is our interdisciplinary, in-house think tank. It integrates the theoretical, scientific, and discursive elements of caspar.'s work. Informed by our hybrid, dialogue-driven thinking as well as our practical projects, this think tank serves as our most important tool for continuously recalibrating our commitment to “Maßstab Mensch” (Scale:Human), a cornerstone of our human-centered design philosophy.

The team at caspar.esearch is dedicated to understanding, anticipating, and elucidating the interplay between social dynamics, architecture, and urban planning that shapes the human scale. At the micro level, each construction project is individually analyzed and the human scale is adjusted to align with these insights. Beyond its theoretical and communicative functions, caspar.esearch significantly influences our studio’s internal operations by developing forward-thinking practices and infusing its expertise directly into our design processes.

caspar.esearch exemplifies our belief that the scope of architecture transcends design and creativity to encompass educational, communicative, and research possibilities. The think tank develops theses, publications, and books such as Retail in Transition and Prologue (“Der Nachhalt”). Moreover, caspar.esearch enriches discourse on architecture and urban development through public dialogue, lectures, and panel discussions. A highlight is “Innen.Stadt.Leben.”, (meaning “Inner.City.Living” or “Inner.City.Life.”) hosted at the AEDES Architecture Forum in Berlin during 2021–2022.

Der Nachhalt – Prolog, Wasmuth & Zohlen Verlag, Berlin
Retail in Transition – Verkaufswelten im Umbruch, JOVIS Verlag, Berlin