We received two of the coveted awards at the ceremony: for our Vertikum project in Düsseldorf in the ‘ARCHITECTURE – Corporate’ category and for our new website in the ‘COMMUNICATION – Corporate Design’ category.
Since 2023, Vertikum has been creating a small Manhattan moment in Düsseldorf, reminiscent of the Flatiron Building with its bold spire and strong verticals. You can also see it on our award-winning website. The concept with Studio für Gestaltung resulted in a central concept – caspar.cosmos. It stands for the many aspects that characterise the work and profile of our studio: Sustainability, digitalisation, podcast, e-letter or urban transformation can be read here and show that it’s not just about architecture, but also about a well-founded discourse… We are very happy about the great awards!
Client Vertikum: FREUNDLIEB Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co. KG/CONVALOR Projektpartner GmbH
© Rat für Formgebung / Photos: Jens Hartmann